The New Strand Theatre closes to-night, after a season which
ex- travaganza and burlesque have rendered very successful. VESTRIS has summoned her company. Among the improvements in the interior of the Olympic, is the entire removal of the gallery. It certainly was an anomaly to see the best part of the upper tier of boxes occupied by persons who only paid a shilling, because it was called a gallery, while people in a worse situation paid four times the sum for the privilege of saying they were in the boxes. The Olympic, of all theatres, can best dispense with a gallery,—though, the more re- fined the entertainments, the more we desire to see the frequenters of the gallery enjoying them.
The Surry, in addition to the attractions of Mr. RICE, the " Nigger " comedian, and the feats of the Arabs, has produced a laughable piece, called State Secrets, or the Tailor qf 7'antworth ; which, lest it should be supposed to be a burlesque of PEEL'S measures, the Tory papers are careful to inform the public contains no political allusions.