Adventures dining is Journey Overland to India, by way of Egypt, Syria, and tha
Holy Laud. By Major skinner, ThLty-first Regiment. In 2 vets. Bentley.
Dinostacy, The Pespatches, Minutes, and Correspondence of the Marquis Wellesley. K.G., during his Administration iu Edited by Montgomery Martin. Vol. II. Allen and Co.
The Professional Practice of Architects, and that of Measuring Surveyors, and Re• ference to Builders, &c. &c. From the Time or the Celebrated Earl of Burlington. By James Noble, Architect, F.I.B.A. Male. ESSAYS,
Glances at Life, in City and Suburbs. By Cornelius Webbo,An!hor of the " Posthu-
mous Papers of a Person lately about Town," Lyric Leaves,' &c. &c. Sm th and Elder.