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THE King and Queen came to town from Windsor Castle on Monday afternoon. The Dutchess of Gloucester and the Princess Sophia visited their Majesties at St. James's Palace. M. Dedel, the Am- bassador of the King of Holland, presented a letter from his Royal master to the King ; and in the evening their Majesties returned to ,Windsor.
On Wednesday, the King, accompanied by Sir Herbert Taylor, again came to town, and held a Court at St. James's. He gave au- diences to Baron Bulow, the Prussian Ambassador, Lord Minto, Sir John Macdonald, Lord Glenelg, and Lord Hill. Soon after six o'clock, the King departed for Windsor Castle. On Thursday, the Dutchess of Gloucester went to Windsor on a visit to their Majesties ; and Lord Glenelg also left town to have an audience of the King.