The Potteries are in a state of much excitement, in
consequence of the workmen having turned out, within the last few days, at seventeen or eighteen manufuctories, in which were employed, at a moderate computation, it is supposed from 5000 to 6000 bands, who received upwards of 3000/. weekly in wages. Messrs. Copeland and Garrett, W. Ridgway and Co., C. Mason, and Baker, are amongst the number of those whose manufactories are stopped. The matter in dispute arises from the proposed mode of hiring for the ensuing year, which commences, according to custom, at Martinmas. The masters deem it necessary to adopt some precautionary measures to protect their inte- rests in future from the effects of such combinations as have prevailed to a great extent amongst the men during the present year. 'f he men, on the other hand, stipulate a mode of hiring, whereby they conceive their interests will be protected and secured. Thus the parties are at issue, and the result is awaited with much anxiety.—Ste1);■rd Adver- tiser.
The locomotive engine of the most superior workmanship, which has just been constructed for the Petersburg mid Patilowsky
at the manufactory of Messrs. R. Stephenson and Co., South Street, Newcastle, had its trial on Saturday last at the above establishment, and exceeded the extraordinary speed of 65:1 miles per ham ! It will be shipped for St. Petersburg in the course of the week. — Durham Advertiser.