The trial of the great will cause of Tatham versus
Wright:was brought tra a. close, at Lancaster, on the 9th instant ; when a verdict was retuned for the plaintiff, which sets aside the will of the late Mr. Marsden, on the ground of his incapacity to bequeath property. This was the third trial of this cause ; the two former verdicts having been given for the defendant ; who, Sir Frederick Pollock announced, would not give up his claim without the decision of another tribunal. At this rate of proceeding, the lawyers will get all the:estate.
A. meeting of the merchants and others interested in the trade of the port of Hull, was held on the 9th instant, at the Dock-room, to take into consideration the means of increasirg the accommodation of the shipping, and purchasing the interest of the shareholders of the docks for the benefit of the town, the Mayor in the chair. Resolu- skins to the above effect were passed, and a committee appointed to awry them into execution.
At Bristol it is anticipated that the advantage of the railway from that place to London will be immense to the agricultural interest. The minimum velocity is to be forty miles an hour; and therefore, at the slowest rate of travelling, cattle landed at this quay at five in the morn- ing may be in Smithfield Market when the clock strikes eight.
Lord Ilenniker stated, at the East Suffolk Agricultural Dinner, op the 8th instant, that be had received a letter from a friend in Lincoln- shire, informing him that in that neighbourhood they had already a steam-plough which would harrow thirty acres and plough eight acres ger day.
Thanks to the new Poor-law, it was stated at Royston market on Wednesday week, that the indefatigable relieving-officer of the Bark way &vision of the Royston Union has now under his supervision a parish Morally without a pauper, viz. the parish of Chishill ; and the poor are ail-well employed and very contented.—Hertford Reformer.