On Tuesday night, Mr. Trant, Chief of Police, with a
party of' his men, proceeded to the house of a man named Tobias Tool of Straboe, near Rathvilly, to arrest him under a Magistrate's warrant. Mr. Tract demanded admission; but the affrighted inmates being greatly terrified by a visit from police at so unusual an hour, refused to open the door ; which was consequently forced, and the poor old man, upwards of seventy years of age, led a trembling captive to Carlow gaol at mid- night. We understand the informations, in the usual parlance of such documents, charged Tool, who is a herd of Mr. Brown of Grapey, with heading a riotous and tumultuous mob on the day of the tithe-sale at Carlow, and rescuing thirteen bead of cattle from Sheriff Butler, at the suit of that holy man the Reverend Captain Wbitty. Poor Toby was on Saturday bailed out of prison by his humane and kind master, and restored to his family.—Leinster Independent.