The cholera appears certainly to have made its lodgment in
this country ; the number of the cases at Newcastle and at Gateshead, with the character of the eases at Liverpool, in Southwark and. Bermondsey, marking the difference between the scattered in- stances which have appeared much earlier in the year, and the commencement of a real endemic. The actual outbreak has been accompanied by the corresponding outbreak of anxiety to make preparations for counteracting the disease by sanitary measures. The newspapers now teem with reports minutely describing the loathsome decay, overcrowding, filth, and established nuisances, which characterize the spots where the disease has established it- self; the Town-Council of Newcastle has at last passed regulations under the Common Lodginghouses Act ; and a good deal of zeal is perceptible in the places attacked. The special steps are taken for the occasion ; officers of the Board of Health acquire a sudden popularity ; house-to-house visitations are adopted; and druggists' shops are kept open all night for gratuitous dispensing. It ap- pears to be the fact, however, that notwithstanding this resort to a tardy activity and a genuine solicitude to do what is necessary, there is considerably less of that unreasoning alarm which aggra- vated the disorder on previous visitations.
The season has of course to bear its portion of the credit of pro- ducing the malady. The extension of endemic disease this year is remarkable. From the West Indies, by New Orleans, to Arch- angel, and South again to India, there are deadly visitations; be- sides that low range of health which has unquestionably existed in our own country beyond the extent indicated in the register by actual mortality.