E En Iifile - Iitect31:10/. To The - Izrtl - Mayor Of...
; ;6 &Meng the charities of that city. ,;.,cfLond' 777- onderry, in one of his characteristic epistles, addressed this ‘ e t o his tenants,, complains that large arrears of rent......
Death Of Mr. Simpson Of Edinburgh.
[Contributed by one whom an intimate acquaintance of nearly twenty years' standing enables to speak undoubtingly.] Few men have carried with them to the grave more sincere and......
Money Market.
BTOCH EXCHANGE. FRIDAY Arraintools. The English Stock Market this week has been the scene of considerable excitement. Compared with last Saturday, the decline in Government Se-......
• The Times Publishes A Letter By Sir John Bayley
on the ease of Mr. and Mrs. Norton. Sir John explains, that he has been prevented from touching upon the case before, by absence and a severe private sorrow ; and he now......
Tt 'aratrtg.
Mr. Cl. V. Brooke, whose strong style of acting is happily measured by the number of his auditors, just as intensity of heat is measured by the degrees of a thermometer, has......