The English Stock Market this week has been the scene of considerable excitement. Compared with last Saturday, the decline in Government Se- curities up to yesterday afternoon amounted to 11 per cent. The fluctua- tions have been of daily occurrence, and more violent than last week. A temporary support has occasionally been given by the arrival of gold from Australia ; which, combined with less demand for specie for China, and a slight improvenient in the rate of exchange at Berlin and St. Petersburg, led to the belief that an impression current at the commencement of the week of a further advance in the Bank rate of discount would not be realized. This idea was prevalent until the conclusion of the Bank meeting yesterday, when it transpired that -the 4liseount-had been raised 4o-4+--per cent ;-.-and- Consols, which hod,rallied that morning from 951 to 9,5i, returned to their former price. The agitation on the previous day had been increased by the news that the Emperor of Russia had rejected the Turkish modifications in the Vienna note. Several speCulative and money sales have since been made. At Hamburg the rate of exchange continues unfavourable. The shipments of manufactured Ind other merchandise to Australia are still on an extensive scale. The depression on the Paris money-market still exists, chiefly caused by sales in anticipation of a French loan.
From a return by the Bank of England on Wednesday, it appeared that New Stocks had been accepted that day to the amount of 30,0001. Three- and-a-half per Cents and 19,1001. Two-and-a-half per Cents; a puzzle to people who know that the New Stocks can be purchased in the market at a large discount. No other acceptances have been made since the 26th July. Yesterday, at the half-yearly meeting of Bank Stock Proprietors, a di- vidend was declared at the rate of 8 per cent per annum clear of Income-tax. The„profits for six months up to the 31st August were understood to have been 584,5571.; which added to the Rest forms a total of 3,596,674/. The Rest, after payment of the Dividend, will amount to 3,014,558/.
A decline of Is. in the Corn-market on Monday was recovered on Wed- nesday. The accounts from Paris this morning report a steady market, and state that a pacific arrangement of the Eastern question was still entertained. The fluctuations in our Funds today have been trifling. Consols opened at 951 1, and after improving 1, close a little lower, at 955 1 for Money and 951 5 for Account. India Stock has fallen this week to 250 3. Exchequer Bills close heavily at 8 5 discount, being a fall of 6s. Foreign Stocks have participated rather freely in the depression in ether securities. The chief has been in Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, which have declined 10 per cent, having been done on Wednesday at 70: they have since rallied a little, and close today at 74 7. The depreciation in other Stocks has been the following-Peruvian Deferred, 4; Sardinian, 25; Chilian, Portuguese Four per Cents, Russian Five and Four-and-a-hulf per Cents, Buenos Ayres, and Venezuela, 2; Mexican, 11; Austrian Five per Cents, Brazilian, Dutch Two-and-a-half and Four per Cents, and Granada Deferred, 1; Spanish Deferred and Certificates, ; Spanish Three per Cents, 1. In Railways the distrust has been more fully developed than in other markets, and a species of panic has occurred. A slight rally which occasion- ally took place was not maintained, and yesterday prices closed at a lower rate than has occurred for a considerable period. London and North-west- ern left off at 1001 14; Midland, 575 8; Great Western, 791 805; London and South-western, 76 8; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 94 8. Compared with last Saturday, the decline in some of the leading lines was to the fol- lowing extent-Caledonian, and York and North Midland, 71.; East Lan- cashire and Midland, 6/. 108.; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 6/. ; Great Northern, 51.; London and North-western, 41. 10s. ; Aberdeen, Lon- don, Brighton, and South Coast, North British, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 41. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 3/. 128. 6d.; Chester and Holy- head, Great Western, London and South-western, and South-Eastern, 3/. 108.; Scottish Midland, 31.; Scottish Central., 2/. In Foreign Shares the depres- sion has been-Paris and Orleans, 3/. ; Paris and Rouen, 2/. 108. ; Paris and
Lyons, Paris and Strasbourg, and Western of France, 1/. ; Great Central of France, 1/. 28. 6d. ; Northern of France, Rouen and Havre, and Southern of France, 11.; Sambre and Meuse, 12.8. 6d. ; Grand Junction of France, 58. Today the English and Foreign lines have slightly rallied.
The English Funds are at present at the quotations of yesterday, although they opened f higher : Consols for Money are 951 1, and for Account 951 5. Exchequer Bills, 85 discount. The Corn Market at the close yesterday showed an advance of 38., caused by unfavourable weather and foreign purchases. The French Funds this morning came 5 lower. The bullion return by the Bank of England gives a decrease of 298,716!.; which is not so great as was expected. In Foreign Stocks no alteration has occurred. In Railways several purchases have taken place at better prices; the bargains have been in the following-Caledonian, 561; Eastern Counties, 121; Great Northern, 765; Great Western, 815; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 671; London and North- western, 103.
3 per Ceat Consols 955 f Danish 3 per Cents 84 6 Ditto for Account 954 5 Dutch 25 per Cents 63 4
3 per Cent Reduced shut Ditto 4 per Cents 97 8
34 per Cents shut Mexican 3 per Cents 245 I Long Annuities shut Peruvian 45 per Cents.... 74 7 ex dir. Bank Stock shut Portuguese 4 per Cents 42 4 Exchequer Bills 8 5 dis. Russian 5 per Cents 113 15 ex d. India Stock 250 3 Ditto 45 per Cents 994 1005 Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 2 Spanish 3 per Cents 464 7 Belgian 45 per Cents 99 101 Ditto Deferred 224 I Chilian 6 per Cents 102 5 Sardinian 5 per Cents 92 4 Danish 5 per Cents 104 6 ex div. Austrian 5 per Cents 97 9