The News From The Country, Of More Extensive Damage To
the crops within the last few days, caused a good deal of excitement at Mark Lane yesterday. Wheat rose 3s. a quarter, and other kinds of grain propor- tionably. At Dublin also......
We Have No News Bearing Directly On The Turkish Question.
It' is stated, however, that couriers are posting hither and thither in hot haste ; and that orders have been sent to Lord Stratford de Redeliffe, to urge the Sultan to accept......
Last Night's Gazette Contains A French Decree, Forwarded...
British Government by Lord Cowley, provisionally abolishing the additional duty upon the importation of iron ore by foreign vessels which had been established upon all ores so......
A Correspondent Sends Us A Scrap Of Political Gossip, Which
is not al- together new to us— I have just heard from a reliable source, that efforts are making by cer- tain members of the Liberal party to persuade Lord John, Russell that......
SATURDAY. The news from the cholera district is more serious this morning. The return for the 15th September gives 97 deaths from cholera, and 4 from diarrhcea, at Newcastle,......
The Intelligence From Lancashire This Morning With Regard...
wages movement is of an ominous character. At Preston, the principal mill- owners have announced their intention of closing their mills "until the hands now on strike are......
Lord Enfield, " one of the sufferers by the collision at Hornsey," addressed the following letter to the Chairman of the Great Northern Railway. " Dear Beckett Denison—It......