In Paris there is every sign of revived theatrical activity. The Academic Imperial() opened on Monday, with the Huguenots, sustained by MM. Gueymard, Obin, Madame Laborde and Mademoiselle Poinsot. The Gymnase has been fortunate in the production of a piece by George Sand. It is called Le Pressoir, ; and while the plot is simple in the extreme—turning on the emotions felt by a young man in humble life, who discovers that the girl of his heart is attached to his bosom friend, and after a severe struggle makes a sacrifice of love to friendship—it is considered extremely interesting. Of late the Gymnase has preeminently been distinguished as a literary theatre, and can triumphantly refer to Ifereadet, Le File de Famine, Philiberte, and Le .Pressoir, as a proof of its high position. Four such names as those of Balzac, George Sand, Emile Angier, and Bayard, all comprised within the record of two years, consti- tute a brilliant constellation of literary talent. At the .Ambigu-Comique, the novelty has been a long drama in six acts by M. Leonce and Eugene Nus, on a very disagreeable sub- ject. The heroine is the victim of one of those deeds of amatory vio- lence which are so common in the plays of Terence; but it should be remembered that the old Carthaginian, who merely used the unpleasant incident as a means to an end, always kept the wronged female in the background. Frenchmen, on the contrary, place their victim most con- spicuously in the foreground, and torture her with every calamity, as a punishment for being sinned:against. The dismal tale ends with a dis- mal epigram. The scoundrel who has wronged the unhappy girl has been urged to commit his crime by a greater scoundrel than himself, who finds an excuse for every atrocity in the convenient maxim, "H faut que is jeunesse as passe." At the end of the piece, the victim of this strange system of moral philosophy, finding the wicked philosopher in her pre- sence, says to him, reproachfully, "La jeunesse se passe," and with this ejaculation gives up the ghost. The title of the tale of wo is Le Voile do Dentelle.