Tuesday, September 13.
PARTNERSHIPS DtssoLven.-Edkins and Valentine, Barnsbury Place, Upper Isling- ton, drapers-Ifernfoing and Son, Farringdon Street, auctioneers-Larock and Co. Bingiey,- Yorkshire' machine-top-makers-Newham and Todd, Hull, merchants- Creasy and Philp, Liverpool, ironmongers-Jeavons and Smith, Wolverhampton, merchants--Berrisfoid and Simpson, Stoke-upon-Trent, stone-masons-Clark and Co. Mincing Lane ; as far as regards J. N. Clark-Bury and Kershaw, Liverpool, alkali-manufacturers - Booth and Co. Manchester, calenderers - Wilkinson and Solidi, Leeds, silversMiths-S. and -J. Ashby, Staines, coal-merchants-Barnes and Feurdrinier-sSmith and Hunt, Glossop, Derbyshire, medical practitioners-A. and 3. Falkner, Kettering, grocers-Facey and Box, Bristol, corn-factors-Blythe and Co. Sciuth,Wharf, Paddington, manufacturers of plaster of Paris; as far as regards W. Jacobs-Crabtree and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners; as far as re- gards T. Crabtree.
BaiixanPrev Atrummxn.-CILUILICS CIILLEDGE BARLEY, Wisbeach St. Peter's, Isle of Ely, grocer.
Basurner-rs.-Fneemucw CHRISTOPHER Donswoinru, Turnham Green, surgeon, to surrender Sept. 21, Oct 26: solicitors, Davies and Co. Warwick Street, Regent Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Lewis COOKE liewrstkr, Union Court, Broad Street, merchant, Sept. 21, Oct. 26: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Mawr ANN HARRIET WARD, Upper Dorset Place, Clapham Road, printer, Sept. 21, Oct. 26: solicitor, West, Charlotte Row, Mansionhouse; official assignee, Graham. Coleman Street-JOKE CLARK, St. Aldate's, Oxfordshire, livery-stablekeeper,Sept.21, Oct. 26 : solicitors, Parker and Co. Bedford Row; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-WILLux Ramses, Alders- gate 'Street, tea-dealer, Sept. 21, Oct. 26: solicitors, Dalton and Hall, Coleman Street; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-James WARNER, Tipton, maltster, Sept. 27, Oct. 21: solicitors, Cones, Worcester; Wrights, Birmingham ; official as- signee, Christie, Birmingham-WILLIAM Timorous, Glastonbury, surgeon, Sept. 23,
Oct.21 solicitor, Hobbs, Wells ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol-Boaster WYBICRN, Taunton, cabinet-maker, Sept. 22, Oct. 13: solicitors, Treochard, Taunton ; Stog- don, Exeter; official assignee, Henaaman, Exeter-Joint Seerrumousr. Sheffield, joiner, Oct. 1, Nov. 5: sohcitors, Parker and Co. Sheffield; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield.
Drvmr-ons.-Oct. 3, Bodes, andport, Portsea, grocer-Oct. 1, Boulton, Tooley Street, baker-Oct. 7, Wale, Leicester, draper-Oct. 14, Martin, Stamford, grocer- Oct. 14, Cadman, Dm by, grocer-Oct. 7, Hackett, Leicester, dealer in pianofortes- Oct. 4, Muckleston jun. Shrewsbury, grocer-Oct. 6, Cowie, Liverpool, ship-owner- Oct. 4, Richards, Wrexham, chemist-Oct. 5, Breakenridge, Liverpool, tailor-Oct. 4, Hance, Liverpool, broker-Oct. 5, Casson, Liverpool, corn-merchant-Oct. 4, Ridley, Liverpool, tailor-Oct. 5, Leader, Liverpool, joiner.
CERTIFICATE.-7b be granted, sinless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Oct. 4, Hall, Orchard Street, Portman Square, builder.
Scerrat SEQUESTRATIONS.-Forest, Hamilton, brewer, Sept. 22-M‘Kinnon, Glas- gow, ship-owner, Sept: 20.
.Friday, Sept. 16.
PM/PS=8111PS DassoLven.-Blackwood and Co. Long Acre, ink-manufacturers- Hopkinson and Grime, Manchester, machine-makers-A. and A. Casartelli, Liver- pool, opticians-Cohen and Orr, St. James's Street, cigar-merchants-Daglish and Fairclough. Liverpool, brewers-I. and J. Argent, Fleet Street, tavern-keepers-Ro- berts and Dartnall, Brunswick Place, Old Kent Road, silk-mercers-Wilson and Sons, Drury Lane-Kreymborg and CO. Mark Lane, commission-merchants-Atkin- sou and Spence, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, wine-merchants-Ernst and Co. blanches- ter, lithographers-Gribbell and Ross, Edgeware Road, linen-drapers-Gray and Ran- kine, Birkenhead, drapers-Gruner and Co. Manchester, merchants; as far as regarde R. T. (Ironer-Turner and M'Kellar, Greenock, writers.
Basnutmers.-Jonw WINTER, Sandhurst, builder, to surrender Sept. 28, Oct. 26; solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane; official assignee, draham, Coleman Street-Rom:ay SORTON PARRY, Leadenhall Street, bookseller, Sept. 28, Nov. 2: solicitor, Starling, Sackville Street; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Caul:Les JOHN KELSON, Clifton, apothecary, Sept. 27, Oct. 21: solicitor, Wallis, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton, BARI:AHAB IIIONETP, Liverpool, salt-agent, Sept. 28, Oct. 201 Solicitors, Stockley and Thomson, Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool - MICHAEL WOOD and Joists WILDiNO, Openshaw, Lancashire, boiler-makers, Oct. 7, Nov. 4:' solicitor, Slater, Manchester; official assignee, Lee, Manchester-Jons COMBES, Manchester, ironmonger, Sept. 28, Oct. 17: solicitor, Slater Manchester ; Official assignee, Lee, Manchester-Wn.Lum Pnitorr, Manchester, baker, Sept. 28, Oct. 17: solicitor, Sutton, Manchester; official assignee, Lee, Manchester-HENRY Maser, Heaton Norris, Lancashire, paper-manufacturer, Sept. 27, Oct. 18: solicitors, Coppook and Oldham, Stockport; official assignee, Lee, Manchester.
Davinetine.=Qct, 13, Holland, Langham, Godalming, manufacturer-Oct. 13, Colman; Chelmsford, horse-dealer-Oct. 8, Down, Taunton, grocer-Oct. 8, Yeller, Fertsea,,builder- Oct. 8, Havers, Judd Street, draper-Oct. 11, Artingstall, Pendle- ton;joiner-Oct. 10, Wilkinson and Bentley, Liverpool, tailors-Oct. 10, Ellison, Liverpool, ironmonger-Oct. 11, Bradshaw. Birmingham, victualler-Nov. 16, Sut- ton':IIiiit, ironmonger-Nov. 9, Ireland, Hull, draper.
-Ceseczkretvas.- Tole granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Oct. 8, Morton, Belgrave Place, Pimlico, bill-discounter-Oct. 8, Clay, Ironmonger Lane vrarehouseman-Oct. 10, Ross,. Bruton Somersetshire, carpenter -Pot. 12,,DungliCison, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, victualler-Oct. 14, Marshall, South Seields4sTaipowner-- (:)t. 10, Pike, East Stonehouse, Devonshire, butcher-Oct. 10, Conway,,plyinouth, bnilder-Oct. 10, Claye, Howarth Cross Mill, Rochdale, press- di-eV-L..0'410; DaVenport. Birkenhead, coal-merchant-Oct. 10, J. and F. Piggin, 'Wo1vralppçou, shoesmanufacturers-Nov. 9, Ireland, Dull, draper.
_ Inzsroareir.-Munro, Thin, draper, Sept. 26.