The Queen and Prince Albert have offered, through Colonel Phipps, to subscribe the sum of 300/. towards improving the lodging of families in Dublin; on condition that a subscription, with fair promises of liberal support, be commenced. It is also intimated that her Majesty is of opin- ion that some attempt should be made to improve the feeling of the lower classes with regard to their clothing, so that they may be induced to keep them in a decent state of repair.
The greater part of the Channel fleet, in two squadrons—one under Admiral Martin, the other under Admiral Cony—appeared and anchored in Battry Bay last week, to the great astonishment of the natives. The ships were to depart for Queenstown on Tuesday.
In the Capel Street Police Office; Dublin, Mrs. Sarah Kelly has appeared to a summons charging her with perjury. Mrs. Kelly was the successful liti- gant in a great will case, " Thewles v. Kelly," involving property valued at 250,000/. left by the deceased Mr. Kelly. It is alleged that Mrs. Kelly, who swore that certain letters, copies of which were produced, were not written by her, had really paid 500/. to have the originals destroyed : the letters asked the aid of a Mr. Malone te get Mr. Kelly to make a will entirely in his wife's favour, she promising to marry Malone if this should be effected. The investigation came to a premature -close, from the absence of the affi- davit made by Mrs. Kelly ; the summons was adjourned sine die. Pro- ceedings are in train in the Court of Chancery. Mrs. Kelly's counsel im- pressed upon the public that the statements made before the Magistrate were quite ex-parte-Lhe 'Asa complete answer to them.