17 SEPTEMBER 1853, Page 5

furrigu anti Colnuial.

FRANCL—The Emperor and Empress are about to make a public: pro- gress in the North of France. According to the present programme they will start from Paris on the 22d instant ; sleep at Arras ; go thence to Lille, and visit the Camp at Helfaut ; to St. Omer on the 25th ; from St. Omer they will proceed to Dunkirk and Calais : they will rest at Bou- logne on the 27th ; and return to Paris, by way of Amiens, on the 29th. The food question continues uppermost. The accuracy of the reports made by the Prefects to the Councils-General is much questioned. It is broadly asserted that all trustworthy reports show a serious deficiency. It is also stated that the bad effect produced by the belief that the Go- vernment intended to interfere on a large scale with the natural laws of supply and demand', has not been entirely removed by two disclaimers of any intention of the kind made in the ifoniteur. Then there is the ques- tion of compensating the bakers for losses they may sustain.

"The fairest thing towards them would be to make them a money-com- pensation. But this would be by no means easy to do upon any equitable system. When tickets were issued to the poor entitling them to have bread at an under value while the rich paid the natural price, the compensation to the baker was awarded exactly without difficulty. Every baker brought weekly to the mairie the tickets against which he had delivered privileged loaves, and received the difference. But now, when rich and poor pay alike, the loss sustained by each baker can only be ascertained by an inquiry into his daily baking. It is quite clear that if the bakers are to wait until flour falls sufficiently low to enable them to make up their losses by continuing to sell at 80 centimes, many of them will be ruined, and compelled to close their shops in the interim. It has been suggested that the city will make advances by way of loan to the most needy bakers. Tbis plan would cer- tainly enable them to go on; but the complications likely to arise from a long continuance of an artificial system are formidable to contemplate. When the price of bread is higher outside the walls of Paris than within, the inhabitants of the banlieue will naturally come into the city to make their purchases. When at a future time bread shall be forcibly maintained at a higher rate in Paris than elsewhere, the Parisians will go outside the walla to buy ; and the baker will sell less than when he was forced to sell at a loss, and consequently will not be compensated by the difference in price."

There are some signs of a conflict in the Departments between the Pre- fects and the local authorities. A few days ago, the Mayor of a town, in the Oise, issued a decree minutely regulating the sale and purchase and the price of bread, with the view of keeping prices down. For a month, that is while the policy of the Government as regards the Departments was doubtful, the decree was actually in force. But within this week the Prefect of the Oise has annulled the decree, as founded on con- jectural data in regard to plenty or scarcity, and as interfering with the liberty of commerce. This is only one of many instances of it similar kind.

The Municipal Council of the Seine decreed, at its Wednesday's sit- ting, that the measure which fixes the price of bread for Paris should ap- ply to the communes of the department of the Seine. The Prefect is authorized to indemnify the bakers of the department for their losses.

The Dfonileur of Thursday contained a decree reducing the duties on the importation of cattle and meal.

Troutev.—The Sultan reviewed the Egyptian troops, encamped at Hnkiar Skelessi, at the end of August ; and detachments have since de- parted for Varna. Constantinople, according to a letter dated the 1st September, was much agitated. For the first time in the history of the Turks, lithographic copies of a fiery address to the people covered the walls. They were called upon to take up arms against the Russians ; and the Ministers were reproached with cowardice in not rejecting the Vienna note at once. It was stated that the Sultan had prepared a war- like manifesto to his subjects, and that it was partly printed, when the English and French Ambassadors prevailed on him to suspend the order for its publication.

Accounts from the Turkish camp are of a contradictory character. Some writers speak highly of the strength and disposition of the troops, and assert that supplies abound ; others see in the Turks and their irregu- lar allies nothing but robbers, and speak disdainfully of the commissariat. A military correspondent of the Morning Chronicle, writing from Rus- tchuk on the lath August, thinks the fortifications of Varna are too ex- tensive to be defensible, it would require such numbers to man the works. Of those at Schumla he writes— "You can form some idea of the fortifications when I tell you that we were from eleven o'clock in the morning until five in the afternoon riding from battery to battery, and that we even then did not visit more than half the works erected and in progress for the defence of the place. Seventeen forts are at the present moment in course of construction. Schumla is na- turally strong, occupying the bottom of a ravine with high hills on three sides of it, upon which are strong batteries; and the entrance of this cul de sac is guarded by a cordon of field-works and batteries, occupying the sire of the circle from the base of one bill t3 the base of the other. By this you Bee that the place is susceptible of a very vigorous defence ; and Omer Pacha seems to rest the whole fate of the war (should there be one) upon the strength of &hernia. Besides the soldiers, he keeps more than two thousand country-people employed upon the works, who are constantly under his own superintendence. But why he should rely so much upon the defences of this place, is strange to me, as, from all I could see, it would be impossible to supply the army with what it wants for its daily consumption for a very long time. There is an abundance of grain everywhere. In any point of view, it is a mistake to suppose that the fate of the war would be determined in

any important degree by the fate of Schumla ; and Omer Pacha, in the event of the Russians crossing the Danube, will have his forces so divided that the Turkish army may be beaten in detail. The country will swarm with Cos- sacks, cutting off the supplies of Schumla, and shutting up Omer Pacha so as to compel him to surrender. In the mean time, the main body of the Russian army may cross the Balkan and march on Adrianople. The true policy of war, I think, would have been for Omer Pacha to have concentrated the main body of his army at some central point—say Rasgrad or Bella—and thus be able to fall upon the Russians with his entire force. By his present dispositions, Omer Pacha could not concentrate, as far as I could judge, fifty thousand men on any one point in ten days."

All the writers admit that Omer Pasha has showed very great abilities, and has done wonders since he took the command. It appears that the Russian and Turkish sentinels now face each other at twelve points on the Danube.

Two superior French officers, who have lately been in the Turkish ser- vice, have made a report to the French Minister at War on the state of the Tuikish army. Their report leads to the belief that the Turks are runch better prepared, better disciplined, and in better condition gene- rally, than we have been led to suppose by Russian agents. The irregu- lar troops, partaking of the nature of a free corps, are very much praised. A strange story was current in Paris on Wednesday. It was stated that Omer Pacha, unable to restrain his men, had been compelled to lead them across the Danube ; that at first the Russians were worsted, but that after fire days' fighting they remained masters of the field ; and that then an armistice was concluded. There is no reason fur believing this story to have any foundation.

RUSSIA.—The news reached London on Tuesday, by telegraph despatch from Vienna, that "the Russian Cabinet had refused definitely to accept the modifications demanded by the Porte." The reason assigned is that the Emperor, although willing to bow to the suggestions of the Four Powers, absolutely refuses to agree to any propositions proceeding di- rectly from Turkey. We hear from all sides now that Russia laughs at the idea of evacuating the Danubian Provinces ; but we also hear that the Emperor is still willing to accept the Vienna note unmodified, and to remove his troops as a consequence.

The Russian corps d'armee long stationed at Ismail, under General Liiders, entered the Principalities at Ibrail on the 29th of August. The Russian army continues to suffer severely from disease.

Letters from the Danubian Provinces state positively that the Hos- pcd:crs have been ordered to Constantinople by the Porte, and that they, acting in concurrence with a special Divan, have refused. In reply to an announcement from Omer Paeha that he should fire on the Russian gun-boats which might approach too near the Turkish fortifications on the right bank of the Danube, Prince Gortschakoff is reported to have said—" a des coups de canons on repondra par des coups de canons." It is stated that Prince Gortschakoff reviewed the Russian army on the 4th September ; and that he concluded an order to the army with these re- markable words—" Russia is called to annihilate Paganism, and those who will oppose her in that sacred mission shall be annihilated with the Pagans. Long life to the Czar ! Long life to — the God of the Russians!"

GERMANY.—The great annual field manceuvres of the Prussian army Commenced on the 12th September. The scene of the operations is in the defiles of Tasdorf, on the high road to Frankfort-on-Oder. The pe- culiarity of the occasion was the large number of foreign officers, who, forming a brilliant group of horsemen, rode about with the Bing of Prus- sia. Among them are Lieutenant-Colonel Vicars, the commander of the indomitable " enemy" at Chobham, Lord Elphinstotte, Lieutenant- Colonel Bloomfield, and Captain du Plat, sent out by the Beard of Ord- nance. Austrian officers were plentiful, and Russia and the German _65t.aies well represented.

It appears that the Prussian Government has thought proper to inter- fere with the corn-trade. -The Berlin Police visited, on the 8th, the houses of about twenty reputed jobbers, warned them against running up prices by fictitious bargains, seized their papers, and threatened them with a trial for conspiracy. On the same day, another body of police unexpectedly appeared in the Corn Exchange, expelled the jobbers, and captured all interlopers.

IIOLLAND.—The First Chamber, on the 8th instant, adopted the much- disputed law on religious liberty, by a majority of 22 to 16. This is con- sidered as another severe check to Papal aggression. On Saturday the States-General was prorogued, with felicitations from the King.

INDIAA.ND Cuisa.—A very brief telegraphic despatch from Trieste, in anticipation of the overland mail, reached London yesterday. The dates were—Calcutta, August 5; Hongkong, July 23.

"There is a great famine in Burmab, and the country is overrun with Dacoits. The East India Company's steam frigate Mozuffa was lost off Ran- goon River. Cholera is committing great ravages in the Upper Provinces of India. The indigo crops are not good. The market for cotton piece goods has improved. Exchange, 2s. Id. steady. In China the Patriot army retains its position : the Tartats had attempted to retake Amoy, but without sue- cos."

CANADA. —Lord Elgin's departure from Quebec was not made without some public proceedings. The streets were lined with troops from the Government House to the Queen's Wharf, decked with evergreens, and well filled with people. All the civil, judicial, and military authorities, ' followed the Governor ; who walked bareheaded to the steamer, and was received by a guard of honour. The Corporation presented an address,

referring the progress and improvement of the country to his Lordship's efforts. In reply, Lord Elgin said- " During a period of upwards of six years, and those neither the least eventful or agitated of my life, the welfare of the people of this pro- vince has been the object of all my thoughts, and anxieties, and hopes. I have sympathized with them as they passed through the gloom of com- mercial depression ; and I have had cause, thank God, to rejoice when they emerged from it into the sunshine of prosperity. However circumstances may change, the interests of Canada can never cease to fill a foremost place in my affections. I am unwilling to accept all the credit which your par- tiality prompts you to accord to use for the improvement which has of late taken place in the condition and prospects of the province. The destinies of an intelligent people exercising powers of self-government must ever be mainly in their own hands. To direct public attention to worthy and use- ful objects—to allay animosities—to offer encouragement at seasons of de- spondency, and warning at periods of excitement—are among the humble though not unimportant duties which devolve on those who are charged with the administration of public affairs. But whatever the cause and who: ever, under Providence, the instruments, I am content to believe that Canadians feel now, more sensibly than they ever felt it before, that these interests which they have in common are more important than those which divide them, and that a faithful allegiance to the Queen is not incompatible with the exercise of those faculties and the indulgence of those aspira- tions which in communities as in individuals are proper to maturity." General Rowan is now the de facto Governor of Canada.

BUENOS AYRES. —1:Trquiza has been defeated in his attempts against Buenos Ayres. On the 13th July, he took refuge on board an American steamer and fled to Entre Rios. His land army threw down their arms and dispersed next day ; and from that time to the 2d August the pro- vince was perfectly tranquil. But no sooner is Buenos Ayres quiet than Monte Video falls into civil war. On the 18th July, a party collision took place ; several lives were lost ; Oribe fled to the country ; and civil war was imminent. Business, revived at Buenos .Ayres, was suspended at Monte Video.