[To the Editor. of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In your comments on the address of Professor Crew to the British Association you quote his conclusion that to be born is a more dangerous adventure for the male than the female." Yet he has found that amongst 15-19 year olds the sexes are numerically equal, and though amongst 20-24 year olds females outnumber the males, it would seem that the learned assembly at Nottingham brought forward no suggestion to account for this.
But need we look beyond our daily newspapers to realise the deadly toll that is taken of our young men of that age by factors that are unnatural and avoidable, and which women almost entirely escape ?
Hardly a day passes that we are not saddened by the report —often a very brief and perfunctory one—of R.A.F. disasters, racing crashes, swimming and boating fatalities, motor-cycle collisions and other sacrifices (often to the demon of speed), which need never have happened and which bring sorrow to innumerable homes.
Such tragedies are not inevitable, and we cannot argue from them a selective mortality. These young men do not die in their beds.—I am, Sir, yours faithfully,