17 SEPTEMBER 1937, page 24
The World's News
The Press and World Affairs. By Robert W. Desmond. (Appleton-Century. 16s.) DR. DESMOND has done a notable piece of pioneer work in the history of journalism, by surveying the......
" The Lii Ile Piecer "
Memoirs. Volume I. 1869-1924. By the Rt. Hon. J. R. Clynes, P.C., M.P., D.C.L. (Hutchinson. 12S. 6d.) Mx. GLYNES should have a stimulating story to tell. We are never allowed to......
The Decaying Corpse
THE substance of Mr. Chamberlin's new book is an indictment of dictatorship and collectivism, based on moral, intellectual and economic grounds, and a vindication of liberal......