Captive Apes It Is Difficult Not To Sympathise With Sir
Hesketh Bell in the campaign which he has waged for many years with varying success against the keeping of captive orang-utans in zoos and elsewhere. It seems well established......
Belittlement Of England Sir John Russell, Of Rothamsted,...
visiting Soviet Russia, not for the first time ; and his impressions, given after his return in the Manchester Guardian, cover many points of interest. One, on which he insisted......
Mr. Te Water's Blunder The Statement On German Colonies Made
in Canada by Mr. Te Water, the High Commissioner of South Africa in London, was surely a prime example of how things ought not to be done. Mr. Te Water may in the first instance......
The Reform Of The League The First Speech (by Seiior
Edwards, of Chile) in the League of Nations Assembly's general discussion on Tuesday, was devoted to the reform of the League itself, and contained one very salutary and one......
Australian Defence The New Australian Armaments...
cost Li ti millions in the coming year, has no doubt been influenced to some extent by discussions at the Imperial Conference. Its expansions are mainly naval and aerial ; on......
Death Duties Lord Runciman, On Whose Estate Of £2,388,453...
duties of £1,176,130, or roughly 5o per cent., have been paid, denounced in his will the policy of high taxation generally, and that of high death duties in particular. On the......