This examination, which occupies a number of pages of the Year Book, traces the return obtained by an investor on an investment of L2,800 spread equally over 28 representative companies. The results of Mr. Thorne's examination may be gathered from the following extract from his article : " The net income yielded by the investment of £2,800 during the five years 1921-26 amounted to £760 or an average of £152 per annum. The corresponding net income during the five years 1926-31 amounted to L990, or on the average £198 per annum, and for the five years 193'-36 L1,111, averaging £222 per annum.
The market value of the investment in 1921 of £2,8c0 would have increased after five years to £4,834, after ten years to £5,958, and after fifteen years ; i.e., in 1936, to £10,694."
The book, which is priced at los. 6d., can be obtained from Trust of Insurance Shares Limited, at 3o Cornhill, E.C.