THE COCKNEY RENAISSANCE SIR,—Thc new poets from Scotland will, per-
haps, be pleased to know that my firm has taken more than a casual interest in your description and illustration of their work.
We have read some specimens and we find that the poetic sentiments, though they do not have the jejune inanity of the common Christmas card or almatac motto, are nowadays ordinary and innocent enough. But the words and the spellings peculiar to these writers and their forebears will have such universal associations of homely wisdom and rude, plain speaking that the thoughts cannot fail to impress with all the force of truly acute and original observation. More- over, most of these new ' Inglis' variations will not have, even among the Scots, the tiresome familiarity of. Burns or Ramsay.
We aim to product Christmas,„sitrds, almanacs and calendars of a superior kind that will not offend the susceptibilities of people who are neither stupidly conventional nor desperately avantgarde, intelligent people in fact. These Lallans poems seem remark- ably fit for our special purposes and we should he glad to come to suitable arrange- ments with any writer from this lively group. —Yours faithfully, SEAMUS GREEN Managing Director The Betastave Publishing Company, Chatnden-by-Curnow, Wills