17 SEPTEMBER 1954, page 24
A Life Of Anecdotes
It Isn't This Time of Year at All. By Oliver St. John Gogarty. (Mao . Gibbon & Kee. 15s.) DR. GOGARTY is the last of the great stage Irish. His plump statelt manners, now......
Another And Better Ruskin
40111 1 Ruskin. By Joan Evans. (Cape. 25s.) th eir actors wanting to play Hamlet, English writers all want to have sitt..ir say about Ruskin. The story is familiar and......
Anthropologist's Awakening
Return to Laughter. By Elenore Smith Bowen. (Gollancz. 16s.) THIS book is, about a problem. How is it possible for one to understand a world which is not his own world? learn......