Heads They Win Sir,—as An Extremely Hard-pressed English...
I point out what a friend in Melbourne, Australia, has just represented to me as a scandalous ramp in'the bookshops in Melbourne, and in other Australian cities ? A recent book......
Should Churches Be Saved ? Sir,—the Archdeacon Of Leeds...
in selling little-used churches, even if they are of architectural interest, in order to build new ones elsewhere. Our ancestors did better than this: if they wanted a new......
Expenses And Extravagance Sir,—it Is A Disappointment...
guished a contributor as John Betjcman should stoop to the cheap journalistic level regarding expense account society. There arc black sheep in all communities, and on this......
The Cockney Renaissance Sir,—thc New Poets From Scotland...
haps, be pleased to know that my firm has taken more than a casual interest in your description and illustration of their work. We have read some specimens and we find that the......
Histoire Du Soldat Sir,—ln His Review Of Histoire Du Soldat
in Edinburgh, Mr. A. V. Coton refers to it as ' the first professional showing in Great Britain.' There was a production of this work at the A.D.C. Theatre, Cambridge, in the......
The Film Fracas Again Sir,—mr. Nicholas Davenport Is...
fair to the British Film Industry when he attacks it, inter alia, for denying the pub- lic any reduction in the price of seats in spite of the recent reduction in Entertainments......
Comics And Crime
SIR,— The revolting story culled by Mr. John Betjcman from a children's book of strip cartoons, and outlined by him in the ' Spectator's Notebook ' of September 3. has also been......
' John O'london's
SIR,- I bought number twelve of John O'London's Weekly when I was in my teens. Since then I have not missed a number. It became part of my life, and the men who wrote it became......
No Chinese Cancer Sir,—.11 Am A Regular Reader Of Your
high class magazine as also of your other journal New Statesman. Though I have not before entered y our print I am moved to do so after reading your many clever and interesting......