Polls Apart
The News Chronicle Gallup Poll showed that the Socialists had a six per cent. lead over the Conservatives in the affections of the country; the Daily Express Poll of Public Opinion had them leading by only two per cent. Commenting on this wide disparity,' the Daily Express points out that the News Chronicl4 Poll showed eight per cent. of the voters voting Liberal; this says the Express darkly, is a suspiciously high figure . . . it is this dubious Liberal eight per cent. which gives the Socialists the lead which they enjoy in the Gallup Poll.' It follows, the. Express feels, that its Poll is based on a surer foundation than the News Chronicle Gallup Poll, either because the latteg is too limited in scope or because it errs in some direction. I, fear that this thinly veiled charge may jeopardise the entente cordiale which the Express rather unilaterally formed with the News Chronicle when the latter started publishing a serial about Burgess and Maclean.