The Textuary and Ritualist is a serious monthly periodical, in-
tended as a help to Biblical students and a guide to members of the churcb,—this word being used, we p,reseme, in a Scriptural and. not in an Established sense. If encouraged, the editor intends to give more variety of subject than he starts with: at present a diffi- cult or obscure text of Scripture is taken ; its meaning is illustrated by a reference to the context, and to other passages from other places ; the apparent misrenderings of the authorized version are explained in a similar manner, as well as by the production of the original passages, and the various translations of' foreign scholars. A still higher ground is sometimes taken, and attempts are made to explain the doctrines of Scripture, or to reconcile what appears contrary to good faith and good morals in the worldly conduct of the Patriarchs, as in the case of' David's deathbed injunctions to Solomon to slaughter Shimei, whose life he had solemnly promised to spare. There is also a short specimen of a Lexicon Sacrum, which promises well. The work gives evidence of zeal, industry, and Biblical learning ; and is likely to be useful to the classes to whom it is addressed,—whether they are sufficiently numerous to support it at so low a price (6d. each number) we know not.