18 APRIL 1835, page 11

The Theatres.

THE solitary Oratorio of the season, on Wednesday night, was like the apparition of a defunct custom revisiting the lamps. It was a musical melange, in which the names of " The......

Metropolitan Society Of Florists.

THROUGH a shower of snow, on Thursday, we entered the Crown and Anchor Tavern, the great room of which presented a beautiful display of spring flowers. It was the union of......

Toptcs Of The Day.

SECURITIES FOR A LIBERAL MINISTRY. " PUT not your trust in princes," is a maxim which Liberal stateer men ought especially to keep in mind. The experience of some thousand years......

The Votes Given By Several Of The Scotch Members Since

the opening of the session, appear only to have confirmed the suspicions of their political honesty which were entertained at the time of their election. The pro- mises which......