East India Shipping.
Arrived — At Gravesend, April 13th. Mary Young, Mather, from the Cape; and 15th, Caroline, Parker, from New South Wales. At the Cape, Feb. 4th, Sir C. Wearthy, Irma London. At......
The Scotch Defaulters.
Or the Scottish Representatives, only four have belied the hopes of their constituents. Mr. HOPE JOHNSTONE is a worthy gentleman, but he has always been an avowed Tory, yielding......
The Votes Given By Several Of The Scotch Members Since
the opening of the session, appear only to have confirmed the suspicions of their political honesty which were entertained at the time of their election. The pro- mises which......
Money Market.
Strong EXCHANGE, THURSDAY Arrittreoote. The English Money Market has not evinced any particular feature since our last report ; the price of Consols not having varied more than......