18 APRIL 1835, Page 3

Muc Came, the Indian, whose rifle-shooting at the Victoria and

Strand Theatres has attracted some attention, was tried on Monday in the New Court, in a charge of feloniously assaulting Frances Sarah Morton, a girl of twelve years of age, the daughter of the person with whom he lodged in the Waterloo Road. The child swot e positively against the prisoner ; but be established an alibi, and was acquitted. Muk Coonce is about to return with his sister and the remaining portion of his tribe, to his native home ; having, it is understood, ac- complished the primary object of his migration—namely, the settle- ment of some land purchased by our Government. Since his acquittal, several parties have been eager to engage him for exhibition. The managers of the Pavilion, Garrick, and othsr theatres, have made offers for the performances of himself and party.. An enterprising omnibus proprietor has offered no less than ROL for the three Green- wich Fair-days, for the Chief to exhibit at his repository on the Greenwich Road. Sir Augustus d'Este, and his other patrons, have, however, placed their veto against any further exhibition.

On Monday, Charles Reeves underwent a very long private exami- nation before Sir F. Roe, at Bow Street, on suspicion of having been concerned in the robbery of the Dutchess of Gordon's jewels. He was taken into custody by Ellis and Goddard. The examination was so strictly private that not a word of the evidence was suffered to trans- pire. The Duke of Gordon was present, and was examined with several of the domestics of his establishment. The result was, that there was not sufficient evidence to detain the prisoner, and he was discharged.

Charlotte Dutton, a prostitute, was examined at the Marylebone Office on Wednesday, on a charge of having become improperly pos. sessed of a valuable gold repeater, which she had offered to pawn. She said that it had been given her by a gentleman ; and her story was confirmed by the donor, a Mr. Edward Walker, who was present. He acknowledged that he had paid Barwise 95 guineas for the repeater about a year ago, and had given it to this girl after a week or two's ac- quaintai....e. Lie was exceedingly angry when the Magistrate ques- tioned the propriety of the act, and left the Office in a passion. The watch was " impounded " in the Office until inquiries should be made respecting Mr. Walker, who is said to be squandering a large property lately acquired. At the Queen Square Office, on Tuesday, Mr. Anthony Whitting, who resides in Great Russell Street, was fined half-a-crown for picking off the blossoms of a flowering peach-tree in St. James's Park, and sent to the station-house in default of payment.

On Sunday evening, as Mr. Gye, son of the proprietor of Vauxhall Gardens, and Mrs. Gye, were returning home from a drive in the Regent's Park, the horse took fright, and at the corner of Wyndham Street came in contact with an omnibus and another chaise, in which a lady and gentleman were seated. Mr. and Mrs. Gye were thrown out to a considerable distance, and the lady in the other chaise was also thrown out and much injured.

On Tuesday morning, a Mr. Verey, of Regent Street (not the hosier), cut his throat on Waterloo Bridge, and then threw himself over the parapet into the river. Some watermen from the Strand Stairs put off in their boats to save him, and he exerted himself to reach one of the boats, into which he was taken. His wound was dressed by a surgeon in Strand Lane, and he was then taken to his own house. It appears that Mr. Verey has been subject to fits of insanity.

On Thursday evening, Ann Jones, a servant, was proceeding to her situation, carrying her trunk, containing her clothes and money, when, in crossing Mortimer Street, she was unfortunately run over by a cab. A number of persons immediately ran to her assistance; when it was discovered that she had received such serious injuries as to render it necessary to convey her to Middlesex Hospital. During the confusion, some miscreant stole her trunk. The Police went in various ways after the delinquent, but unfortunately he effected his escape with his booty. The poor woman lies in a precarious state.