Mr. O'Connell has addressed a letter to the electors of Drogheda, earnestly requesting them to reelect Mr. O'Dwyer, in opposition to the Orange-Tory candidate, Mr. Randall Plunkett.
So indignant are the independent constituency of Drogheda at the schemes and malevolence of the Orange faction against their Repre- sentative, Mr. O'Dwyer, that it has been resolved to reelect hitn free of expense.—Dublin Register.
The people of Wexford complain loudly of the persecutions they en- dure from their landlords, for having voted for the popular candidates at the last election. Several meetings have taken place, at which reso- lution, drawn up in a bold and indignant tone, were passed. At En- niscorthy, a subscription was opened for the protection of the free- holders, which is said to have already amounted to 5001. The Mayor of Wexford, at the requisition of the leading political characters of the town, summoned a meeting of the inhabitants for last Tuesday, "to consider the propriety of raising a fund for the relief of the persecuted electors."