The latest news from Anam appeared to point to the
in- tention of the French force there to make an attack on the capital, Hue, capture it, and set up some ruler who would favour the French alliance, and be virtually a puppet in French hands. The story goes that Hue is to be attacked about the 20th inst., the Admiral sending gunboats of light draft over the river bar to assist the French forces against the capital of Anam, which, according to the rumour in question, has no real power of resistance. If this be the intention of the French commanders, no doubt they hope to get the Chinese Government to recognise the Sovereign whom France may choose, and to invest him with authority from Pekin. That is a very pleasant dream to in- dulge, but the Chinese Government is not quite wax in the hands of imperious foreigners, and we shall be much surprised if the French diplomacy should succeed. If it fails, it will be almost impossible for the French nominee to secure the allegi- ance of the Anamites without a regular French conquest of the whole country.