Pairs, Past And Present. By Cornelius Walford. (elliot...
this volume, the paper and printing of which are appropriately suggestive of antiquity, Mr. Walford has collected a vast amount of curious information. He gives us a chapter......
Tnaotoay.—sermons Preached In The Chapel Of Harrow...
By the late Rev. T. H. Steel, M.A. With a Prefatory Memoir by Henry Nettleship, M.A. (Macmillan and Co.)—Mr. Steel, after highly distinguishing himself at Cambridge (he Miff......
The British Quarterly P.eview, July. (hodder And...
will turn at once to the interesting recollections which Mr. E. A. Freeman has here given us of John Richard Green. These recollections go back to an early date, when "Johnny......
Poetry.— Julian The Apostate. By Christopher James...
Riethmfiller has not been excessive in his de- mands upon the attention of the public. It is, we think, more than twenty years since he published his poem of Teuton. This drama......
Current Literature.
The Church Quarterly Review, July. (Spottiswoodo and Co.)— The first article in this number, "Church Organisation in the Royal Navy," treats of practical Church work. From its......