[ro The Editor Of The " Spectator. "] Sir, — In Reference To
the letter on the above subject which appears in your lame of last Saturday, perhaps you will allow me to call attention to the following extract from Mr. Gilmour's book,......
Natural Law In The Spiritual World.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " EirzeriToa."1 SIR, — The objection which Mr. Waddington raises to Mr. Drum- mond's theory of Biogenesis as a generally accepted scientific doctrine......
Torture For Criminals.
15 0 THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECIATOR."J SIR,—Mr. Ernest Bell ' s quotation from the " Unseen Universe " in his letter to you last week on the " absolutely indescribable torture,......
The Cree Indians.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—I have just received from a friend, who is settled near Qu'Appelle, in the north-west of Canada, the following account of the mode of......