It is with great comfort and satisfaction that we now
turn 11120IIth after month to the return of agrarian offences in Ireland. There can be no more consoling index to the happy effects of a-generons policy combined with firm administration. The latest published return is for the month of June. It records only three -offences against the person. One, in Monaghan, is classed as an assault endangering life ; one, in Kerry, as an aggravated assault ; the third is a oharge of conspiring to murder, in Mayo. There are seventeen offences against property, and among these wedeeply regret to see seven cases of the loathsome crime of cattle-maiming, four of these being in Kerry, which still seems
to be the most disturbed of the Irish counties. There are forty- seven offences against the public peace, of which twenty-seven are threatening letters and notices, and fourteen are classed under the heading. " Injury to Property,"—a somewhat vague description, considering that offences against property, referred to above, form a class in themselves. As Irish crime is mainly agrarian, the calendar of the country at the present moment would probably compare favourably with that of either England or Scotland.