In Monday's paper the Berlin correspondent of the Morning Post
makes some very curious statements as to Boer funds, which he declares that he has received from a "well- informed quarter." The total amount of bullion safely deposited in Europe by the Transvaal Government amounts, he declares, to £7,500,000. " Van Boeschooten, Dr. Leyds's occasional deputy, is now on his way back from the Trans- vaal with a further instalment : he will be followed on board the Koenig, now leaving Lourenco Marques, by Mr. Kruger's secretary, Mr. Eloff, similarly loaded. The main object of Mr. Van Boeschooten's mission to South Africa was to secure the necessary authorisation to dispose of the moneys from Mr. Kruger and the other members of the Government." The money is to be invested in France, Holland, Belgium, and Switzerland. There are fifteen shareholders, and the signatures of ten will be required for each cheque. A com- mittee of control has also been appointed, with power to fill up any vacancy caused by death in the ranks of the share- holders. The fund "is to be exclusively devoted to the pro. motion of the national interests of the South African Boers, but it is not to be drawn on in any way until a year after the formal conclusion of peace." In addition to the sums exported to Europe, Mr. Kruger has now in hand about £2,000,000.