Wesley And Methodism.
Wesley and Methodism. By F. J. Snell, M.A. (T. and T. Clark. Ss.)—There are few English biographies more fascinating than that of John Wesley, since he combined a life of......
Christian And Ecclesiastical Rome.
Handbook to Christian and Ecclesiastical Rome. By M. A. H. Tuker and Hope Malleson. Part III., " Monasticism in Rome." Part IV., " Ecclesiastical Rome." (A. and C. Black. 10s.......
History Of Ancient Philosophy.
History of Ancient Philosophy. By Dr. W. Windelband, Pro• fessor of Philosophy in the University of Strassburg. Authorised Translation by Herbert Ernest Cushman, Ph. D.......
Studies In Eastern Religions.
Studies in Eastern Religions. By Alfred S. Geden, M.A. (Charles H. Kelly. 3s. 6d.)—In his preface to this excellent little work Mr. Geden says :—"It is becoming increasingly......