18 AUGUST 1900, page 1

A Very Curious, And At First Sight Alarming, Incident Is

reported from Shanghai. The British Government, on the advice of its Consuls there, ordered the second Indian brigade to stop on its way to the front and land for the protection......

The New King Of Italy Has Made A Decided Impression

on his people. He took the oath before his Chambers, his Court, and the Ambassadors in the Senate Hall on August 11th, and made a speech which excited a tempest of enthusiasm.......

Two Other Items Of South African News Must Be Recorded.

The first, which is good news indeed, is that the Elands River garrison was not captured after all, is still holding out, and probably will be able to continue to do so. The......

De Wet And His Command Are Still At Large; That

is the most exciting piece of news from the front. The British public are watching the hunt with intense interest,—and expressing a good deal of sympathy for the "fox," who......

News Of The Week.

A S we write on Friday the official news has just been received, yid, Berlin, that the Allied troops have entered Pekin without fighting; that the Legations have been relieved,......

A Speech By The German Emperor Made To Officers Embarking

at Bremerhaven was reported by one of those officers to his family, and by them moat imprudently pub- lished. The speech, if genuine, is important, and its genuineness is not......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
