The Divine Pedigree of Man. By Thomas Hay Hudson. (G. P. Putnam's Sone. 6s.)—The author of this work is one of those fervid and yet scientific Theists of whom the American Continent has produced such a notable phalanx during recent years. Dr. Hudson, who has already produced two books in defence of the Faith, has written this fresh volume "for the benefit of that large and constantly enlarging class of men who are imbued with the ultra-scientific dogma that nothing in either physical science or spiritual philosophy is worthy of belief if it is not confirmed by a series of well-authenticated facts—a congeries of observable natural phenomena." The book is, in fact, a manual of Christian Theism written from much the same standpoint as that occupied. by the late Duke of Argyll. Like the Duke, and to some extent also Professor Henry Drummond, Dr. Hudson examines all the modern scientific theories which are or seem to be hostile to Christianity, fights the agnostic, the atheist, and the ultra- evolutionist, and " finds in the subjective faculties of man, without a change in their essential nature, the embryotic repre- sentatives of all that the finite mind can conceive of the essen- tial attributes of God." The book is ingenious and closely reasoned, and is wonderfully free from "shriekiness," although we could well have been spared certain " humorous " touches, such as an allusion to " the late lamented Topsy."