ScRooL - Boons.--Exercises in the Syntax and Idioms of Attie Greek. By
W. H. D. Rouse and J. M. Sing. (Rivingtons. 35.6d ) —These exercises, meant for upper forms, as a store of useful materials, are arranged on a system. First the pupil is exer- cised in Greek syntax; then he is introduced to characteristio differences between English and Greek idioms ; these divisions are followed by one that is meant to familiarise him with the technical terms used in war, and other great divisions of human life. The remainder is of a miscellaneous kind.—In Dent's Modern Language Series" (J. M. Dent and Co.), under the general editorship of Mr. Walter Rippman, we have Una Joyeuse Nichde, by' Madame E. de Pressense (3s. 6d. net), edited by S. Alge.—Cours de Grammaire Franeaise Eldmentaire, by W. G. Hartog (A. and C. Black), claiming to be the "first French grammar written entirely in French for the use of English pupils in English schools." We have now, for some time, given up the practice of writing Latin grammars in Latin (Greek grammars were never, as far as we know, written in Greek). Ought we to return to it, following Mr. Hartog's example P—From the same publishers we have in the series of "Synthetical Maps," by W. R. Taylor, Germany (2d. net). There are three maps, one of political divisions, one of manufacturing centres, and a third in blank, by way, we presume, of exercise. On the verso we have " Notes on Historical Development."