The most important news from China is that the Cantonese
armies are advancing towards Shanghai. The province of Chekiang, which stands in the way, has evidently yielded of its own free will to the invaders. General Sun Chuan-fang is " preparing to - defend Shanghai," but we need not regard his movements too seriously. There is no definite sign yet of an accommoda- tion between the Powers and the Cantonese Government. The Cantonese Ministers have arrived in Wuchang and the seat of the Kuomintang Government has been definitely established there. Already Wuchang is being described as the capital of all China. As usual Cantonese administra- tion is surrounded by every conceivable demonstration of social unrest. This unrest is directly traceable to precept and encouragement from the Government, but it is easy to believe that the demonstrations and strikes go far beyond the wishes of their original authors. For this fact the chief discredit is due to Jacob Borodin, the Russian Bolshevist, who is the leader of the Soviet Advisory Mission to the Cantonese. Borodin has recently addressed the greatest mass meeting which has ever been held at Hankow. Over a quarter of a million people are said to have been present. Thirty speeches were delivered against the foreigners and nearly all of them were directed against Great Britain.