The Death Of M. Pashitch, The " Grand Old Man
of the Balkans," has removed an extraordinary personality. His death was sudden and his strength was almost unabated to the end. Although he was eighty-folk years of age, it......
The Bill Passed Through Its Final Stages In The House
of Commons on Friday, December 10th, winning its race against time with a very small margin. It went through all its stages in the House of Lords on Tuesday. Several Peers......
Lord Grey Went On To Say That It Was An
unwholesome thing for party headquarters to be dependent on a fund supplied by one person. That was a new situation " disturbing to the politics of the country." Again, he did......
Major Kindersley's Bill To Reduce The Scandal And...
unsavoury reports of legal cases in the news- papers—a Bill which has frequently been before Parlia- ment under other sponsorship—has been passed by both Houses. We have long......
Lord Grey Deserves Thanks For His Speech From Others Besides
those Liberals who agree with him. He has not feared to say things which must have been extremely distasteful to him, because he felt it to be a public duty to do so. Most......
On Thursday, December 9th, Lord Birkenhead, Acting For...
Secretary, received a deputation from the Labour Party, the Trades Union Congress and the Miners' Federation, who requested an amnesty for the prisoners convicted under the......
His Leadership Of The Serb Radicals Was Tactically...
his methods were severe and frigid he never lost the devotion of his followers. He was in many ways an inscrutable and sphinx-like man. Criticism and even abuse, though his......
On Monday, Lord Grey Of Fallodon At A Dinner To
Mr. Vivian Phillipps made an extremely outspoken speech on his position in the Liberal Party. He said that in 1924 there were very unsatisfactory negotiations about the party......
. When There Is Scarcity And Prices Soar Upwards, A
remedy will be demanded, and it may then be possible to persuade the Chinese to distinguish between the good sides of nationalism and the bad. The bad sides are mostly due to......