Of Many Things. By Otto H. Kahn. (jonathan Cape. 18s.
net.)—Great financiers seldom give definite expression to their views on politics and trade, and still more rarely have anything to say about the arts. Mr. Kahn is an exception......
Akbar And The Jesuits. By Father Pierre Du Jarric, S.j.
Translated by C. H. Payne. (Routledge. 12s. 6d.) —Alcbar and the Jesuits is a translation of the Histoire pub- lished at Bordeaux by Father Pierre Du Jarric in the early......
English Men And Manners In The Eight. Eenth Century. By
A. S. Turberville. (Clarendon Press. 10s. net.)—Here is a fascinating pictorial history by a competent scholar, whose text and choice of illustrations are alike excellent. Mr.......
-cancer : - Its Control And Prevention. By G. F.
Hall-Edwards. (Cornish Bros. 2s. net.)—Cancer : Control and Prevention, is a little book by the late Dr. John Hall-Edwards written for the 'purpose "of explaining to the general......
Current Literature
A YEAR AMONGST THE PERSIANS. By E. G. Browne. With a Memoir by Sir E. Denison Ross. (Cambridge Univer- sity Press. 25s.)---It is good to meet" again a great book in a comely......
Documents Of Mediaeval England. By R. Trevor Davies....
6d.)--This little _ book _will, prove a handy and useful companion to the study of English social history ; though it cannot compete for interest and variety with Mr. G. G.......
Don Juan Of Persia. A Shi'ah Catholic, 1560-1604....
G. Le Strange. (Routledge. 12s. 6d.)—This old travel narrative, with its account of Shah Tahmasp's reign, is not without interest, although better historical accounts exist.......