[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In view of the fact that the Annual World's Fair at the
Agricultural Hall will shortly be open to the public, I shall esteem it a favour if you will allow me, through the medium of your columns, to call the attention of your readers to one feature of this entertainment, viz:: the exhibition of captive wild beasts, which has for some years formed part of the Fair.
Quite apart from the sanitary aspect of the matter—an important consideration which should be taken into account -;--the exhibition, for purposes of gain, of wild animals cramped and confined in small cages and deprived of all proper exercise and liberty cannot fail to have a degrading effect upon the minds of those who witness their sufferings.
This is especially deplorable in view of the large number of children and young persons who attend the Fair, and I appeal to school teachers and all who have the welfare of dumb animals at heart to lose no opportunity of entering their protest against the perpetuation of so brutalizing and degrading a form of entertainment.—I am, Sir, &c.,
ERNEST BELL, Chairman.
Performing Animals Defence League, York House, Portugal Street, London, W.C. 2.