Christmas Films in London
Stoll, Kingsway.—THE COHENS AND THE KELLYS. Laughable farce of Jewish and Irish " characters " in a New York tenement. Well acted.
Plaza.--PETER PAN. Matinees commencing 2 p.m. of Herbert Brenon's film. DIPLOMACY. The dear old drama filmed, but there is a Raymond Griffith comedy also in the programme which commences at 4 p.m..
Tivoli.—Bms Hun. Cheers for the chariot race, boos for the love story. . . Marble Arch.---THE ADVENTURES OP MAYA THE BEE. The rabbits ; beetles and creatures hi- thiff anthropomorphic entertain- ment are engaging.
• Many Kinemas.--JEALOITSY. Lya de Putti and Werner Krauss in a passable German film.. MADAM BEHAVE. Beware of this it is almost incredibly silly and flaunts a female impersonator: THE Br.:Ack PIRATE. Douglas Fairbanks at his admirable best,(
Everyone should fiainple this. - • - - -
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