It is specially strange that Mrs. Christie was left undisturbed
so long at Harrogate, as she had actually written a letter to her brother-in-law saying that she was going to a Yorkshire spa. At the hotel she passed under the name of a friend, a Miss Neele. Miss Neele is said to have been in the company of Colonel Christie on the evening when his wife drove off in her car. Last Saturday, three days before Mrs. Christie was discovered, the Times published an advertisement requesting the friends and relatives of " Teresa Neelc " to communicate with the advertiser. These are odd facts which we think require investigation. Mrs. Christie, it is said, was continually playing in her stories with the mystery of disappearance. If she suffered from loss of memory her obsession must have turned her unconsciously into one of her own heroines. Whatever the pathological explana- tion of her disappearance may be, however, it is relevant to ask what the cost of the prolonged police searches has been to the public.
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