18 DECEMBER 1959, Page 11


Sta.—After reading Bernard Levin's 'Piccadilly Story,' I recalled 'The City Beautiful' theme of hundreds of speeches I had delivered on Labour platforms between the two world wars, particularly in the North of England, the centre of industrial ugliness. 'Yes,' I used to declare 'fervently under the inspiration of William Morris, Walter Crane and Edward Carpenter, 'when we come into power, the era of civic beauty will begin' I still believe that. Hence, I am shocked that my Socialist colleagues, ruling the biggest city in the world, have permitted the Piccadilly outrage to proceed thus far. Had not imaginative and courageous folks in the Commons and in the Lords protested vigorously, the present plans would have materialised, and London and the nation would have been burdened with this horror— and it is still a possibility! In such a case, I think a future government, long before AD 2000, rather than allow the horror to continue, will have one H-bomb- carrying submarine fewer, and make the money avail- able to pull down and rebuild nearer to the heart's desire, and add dignity and beauty to Piccadilly Circus. Many Socialists must be disappointed at the LCC's denial of the spirit of L:i5our's artist pioneers. —Yours faithfully,


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