18 DECEMBER 1959, page 11


SIR,—May I draw attention to a point not brought out in your leading article (Spectator, December 4. 1959) The Tappers Return? The Birkett Committee, on whose findings the......

Sir.—mr. Levin's Splendid And Important Report On The...

Piccadilly Circus raises two separate questions. The first is what to do about our rebuilding and town planning. The tragedy is that the ordinary man, even the ordinary educated......

Sir, —the Parade Of Former Spanish Soldiers Of The )...

and their friends, from the Admiralty Arch to the Cenotaph, in order to lay a wreath there In memory of the Spaniards, and English and men of every nationality, who died in the......

The Bbc's Yugoslav Service Sir,—with Reference To Your...

the BBC's Yugoslav service, the following facts may he of interest : About two years ago the Yugoslav service invited a Mr. M. Gregovic from Belgrade to work in London. Mr.......

The Monster Of Piccadilly Circus

Sta.—After reading Bernard Levin's 'Piccadilly Story,' I recalled 'The City Beautiful' theme of hundreds of speeches I had delivered on Labour platforms between the two world......

Franco's Spain J. Moreno. Jose Antonio Balbontin

Telephone-Tapping The Warden of All Souls The Monster of Piccadilly Circus Sidney R. Campion, Patrick Hut ber The BBC's Yugoslav Service Michael L. Derry, Stjepan Grabovac, O.......