18 DECEMBER 1959, page 13

The Boycotters

SIR, — Mr. Whitehead, of the NUM, deplores the article (Spectator, October 9) on the Seven Sisters Colliery dispute; nevertheless, your correspondent's strictures, though harsh,......

The Bbc's Yugoslav Service Sir,—with Reference To Your...

the BBC's Yugoslav service, the following facts may he of interest : About two years ago the Yugoslav service invited a Mr. M. Gregovic from Belgrade to work in London. Mr.......

Sir,—mr. Wiles Believes The Fo's Denial That It Exer- Cises

any control over the BBC's External Services; Yet he accepts the existence of 'some influence.' It is exactly this kind of no man's land—ill-defined and im- Possible to......

Sir.— Leaving The Bbc's Yugoslav Service Alone, As Others...

have plenty to say about it, I must challenge Mr. Robb-King's sweeping statement that the Yugoslays are not oppressed and that they do not live in a Police State. Yugoslavia is......

Sir,— May We Call Attention To A Misfortune That Has...

Mr. C. H. Rolph, a distinguished journalist who, in a broadcast. utilised material supplied to him for the purpose by the BBC and found himself sub- sequently penalised to the......