18 DECEMBER 1982, Page 39


vri 01: -., • e Noel e M Come all ye shepherds from the field M And leave your crofts upon the fells,

Come gaze upon sweet Mary's child —

Make haste! inc day is crowned with gold. .01-

Now the radiant morning tints The mountain tops with golden light In homage to this perfect Prince Whose love shines bright.

Come all ye shepherds, and adore! Make haste! This dawn can wait no more.

: An angel brought this news of joy. Hear his voice now calling you!

fe: To greet this maiden's glorious Son!

His little hands, His smile, His grace, #.1:.

,, Love lights his face! W:

ff: Come all ye shepherds, and be gay! Make haste! Make haste! For it is day.

et: Translated from the French by James Kirkup ; AvAVVVVAVAVVAVVAVXVAVVVAVVVV