18 DECEMBER 1982, page 54

Spectator Christmas Quiz

1) The Twelve Days of Christmas Identify: a) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest b) The Two Gentlemen of Verona c) The Three Wise Men d) The Four Quartets e) The five Cinque ports......

Solution To 585: Fast And/or Loose Idx'a ../.1 4 S A...l...

4 7 1:1 1 rS 11131aLN ,..a . T N t A C ,... 1 11 ELL, I A i h E fe 5U R EI EIE A T 1 L E ' S S SIOPPEW N E If IA S J .. N T I AS E Trig E P Y ori pffIEL3F1R '1. I R E ..24 A L E......

No. 1246: The Winners

Jaspistos reports: Competitors were asked for a unseasonable poem in dispraise of Christmas. Schenorhavor Dzenount! Roomsaid Joulu Puhi! Boldog Karacsony! Nodlaig Nait Cugat!......