John Mcewen
P A e n ter in n dian Summer: A hundred recerivi was 857 this n y e e l l a r ( poems by Sacheverell Sitwell, introduced,_b, dlearning, 3 a li r e t n an as rewarding a brew of......
Richard Cobb
Three books have given me enormous en- joyment this year. The first is Isabel Quigley's The Heirs of Tom Brown: The English School Story (Chatto), the second is Robert Tombs's......
John Grigg No Book That I Have Read This Year
has gi veli d A ncient Greece by Richard Je1114111, A me m . ore pleasure than The Victorians a il s (Blackwell hardback 1980, year's paperbncd 1981): a blend of aesthetic......
John Stewart Collis
Yet Being Someone Other by Laurens Van Der Post (Hogarth). The author excells in vignettes of persons and scenes in horrific circumstances — the whole against a background of a......
Alan Watkins
Tests of whether 1 am enjoying a book: Do I look forward to spending an evening with it? Do I then try to ration myself? Do I do this even if I am reviewing the book (com-......