John McEwen
PA en terinndian Summer: A hundred recerivi was 857 this nyeel la r(
poems by Sacheverell Sitwell, introduced,_b,
dlearning, 3a lir et n an as rewarding a brew of wisdom, reminiscence' delight and optimism as can be imagIneu. . iii melancholy, description, reminiscence, Manadcalthil leasirle)POrehmes even from such a famous pen. Roma/015 by Jean Clay, introduced by Robert Rs, blum (Phaidon). A readable, general: scholarly text acts as a series of captions to the most dazzling array of romantic Oats, ever assembled. Victorian Scu Benedict Read (Yale University press)- A press). .,....f well researched, well illustrated account,uat a crudely neglected subject and prodUe.e°,., a time that would seem just to anociPa.; fashionable interest. It is alwaYs qia. something when an author writes a sta dard work, let alone with a first book.
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