A, L. Rowse
several books have given me unalloyed ea k sure this year. Kenneth Harris's Attlee eidenfeld & Nicolson) is a first class biography and a contribution to t°rY. The true picture of the man I knew, 17 brought home to me that he was a tr,eater man than I had realised. In sharp 00-ntrast, and very unlike my own sedate (rtestic life, Richard Buckle's uetnbiography, In the Wake of Diaghilev tens). Such zest for life, and a gift for it, all those maestros and ttnierinas. Richard 011ard's account of English Education (Collins) 4,1 Itifully written and rendered, made me le 'lb l had been there, lucky dog! Grateful (1,,°evis Hillier for giving us Betjeman's nn_'collected Verse (Murray). I love his rsrtrY and he can write verse, unlike much cia the nonsense that passes for 'poetry' to- °elighted to have a new novel by dear P:ara Pym from beyond the grave, A (II Green Leaves (Macmillan) — just my /3 of (her favourite) Earl Grey.